Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cleanses, Busy Season & More Distractions

I work in the accounting world. So even though I don't do taxes (at least not in the traditional sense), I still get very busy during tax season. It's stressful. Pretty much everything else in life goes on the backburner. I'll see my family this weekend because it's hard to pass up a trip home when my grandparents are visiting and it's only an hour away. I've seen several friends in the last couple weekends, but it had admittedly been a month or two with at least a few of them. Dating... well, I try. But you can only cancel on people so many times because of work before you realize it's time to throw in the dating for another month or so. And yes, my apartment is a disaster, but we can't really blame busy season for that.

So where do cleanses fit in? Oh, you know, I decided to start a 10-day one yesterday. Why? Because I'm overweight and tired of it. Because I needed a jump start. And I'd heard good things. I'm not hungry, not so far. But I miss eating. The physical act. I can nibble on apples and cucumbers, but let's face it, that doesn't really do the trick. The weird thing is, even though I crave it, when I try to think about what I would eat if I could, nothing really sounds good. It doesn't sound satisfying. That's because I am actually full. Which I guess is a good thing. Oh, I'm also on my period so all in all I just have terrible timing.

Once again, posting as a distraction from the work there is to do and the apartment there is to clean. Those things will get done. But for the moment - I'll enjoy my face mask and do just a little more online window shopping.

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